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Web site vs. Website: Which wins?

The first thought that might pop into your head is: "Who cares?" You're right, it's really not that big of a deal. This is a short one sided discussion regarding new verbage on the Internet, as well as some links to others who have sipped coffee pondering the same.

My stance is purely grammatical. "Web site" is the winner, hands down. Others, however, see this two word phrase as a single new word that should be recognized as such. The only thing to argue about concerning this non-arguement is which is more beneficial from a SEO (search engine optimization) angle.

Others have put more thought into it, you're invited to read their piece:

Another such word is E-mail. I've seen it written as E-mail, eMail, email, and a few variations of each. Which is correct? Yes, it's another moot point, but people do debate these things and once again, I favor the classic, e-mail.…ticles/web-site-vs-website-which-wins.html · 08 October 2007

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